The Congress Will Include Multidisciplinary Scientific Sessions and Workshops in the Following Categories :
- Promoting Excellence in Integrated Rheumatology Care
- Genetics in Egypt : Explore the Advancement from the Past to the Future
- Save your Sight; Better Early than Late
- Ethics in the Modern World: Navigating Complex Challenges
- Prediabetes to diabetes; a trajectory of concern
- The Interplay of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery
- Functional bowel disorder: Developing a Multidisciplinary Approach.
- Genomics and Public Health
- Amyloidosis; Multispecialty Approach
- Artificial Intelligence in Medical Practice
- Emergency Medicine and Critical Care for all
- Integrating Pharmacology and Internal Medicine: A Clinical Perspective
- Integrative Dermatology: Going Beyond the Skin
- Robotics and Surgery: Innovating for the Future
- Obesity: Multidisciplinary Approaches for Comprehensive Care
- Bone marrow transplantation: The new era for a better life
- Infertility; Barriers and breakthroughs
- Frontiers in Biomedical Research: Emerging Technologies and Applications
- Seeking Perfection in Endoscopy
- Optimizing Multi-Disciplinary Team Care for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients
- Medical Oncology and Molecular Biology: Two Contributing Disciplines for
- Better Understanding and More Effective Treatments of Cancer
Innovations and Excellence in Surgery: Surgical Experience in AFCM Hospital - A multidisciplinary approach for Smarter Hematology
- Breaking Boundaries: Advances in Diving and Aerospace Medicine
- Recent Innovations in Audiovestibular Medicine
- Implementing Structured Reporting and Data System (RADS) in Radiology
- Improving Sepsis Outcomes: A Multidisciplinary Approach
- Integration of precision medicine approaches in clinical practice
- Improving Patient Outcomes in Otolaryngology
- Roadmap to Pulmonary Hypertension Management
- The Continuum of Care: From Orthopedic Surgery to Rehabilitation
- Optimizing patient Care: The Power of Immunotherapy and Combination Strategies
- Update of Kidney Organs Cross Talks
- Comprehensive Disaster Management
- Improving Patient Outcomes in Clinical Toxicology
- Updates in Regenerative Medicine
- From Sprint to Marathon: Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities in
- Extending Medical Internships