Advanced Laparoscopy in Pediatric Surgery
(AV Transmission) live transmission from two operating rooms
Course Directors:
Prof. Martin Lacher
Head of Pediatric Surgery Department University of Leipzig, Germany
Prof. Gamal Eltagy, Cairo University
Head of Pediatric Surgery Department, Armed Forces College of Medicine
Prof. Mohamed Elbarbary
Head of General Surgery Department, Cairo University
Date: 18-19 Nov. 9 am – 5 pm (2 days course)
Venue: Armed Forces College of Medicine Hospital
Varieties of pediatric surgical cases that needs highly skilled management laparoscopically
- Hirschprug assisted
- High anorectal malformation
- Pyeloplasty
- Thoracoscopic surgery
Registration Fee: FREE
**kindly fill the form and we will contact you regarding the method of registration
For more Information:
Mrs. Esraa A. Ghafar Cell: +20 10 01488509 email: esraa.ghafar@congroupegy.com
Mrs. Hager El- Asser Cell: +20 11 11419615 email: hager@congroupegp.com