Isolation, culture and characterization of stem cells and their derivatives

from different sources

Course Director: Prof. Dr. Manal Hassan Moussa, Head of the Histology Department AFCM

Date: 16-17 November 2024 to be repeated 18-19 Nov. 24 (2nd Group)

Venue: Research core lab in AFCM           

Aim: train the participants with the techniques essential for isolation, culturing and characterization of stem cells

Duration: Two-days training course. The course is limited to 5-7 attendees at a time to facilitate an ideal learning experience and allow better interactions between the trainers and attendees.

The training program will include 3 sessions/day from 9am-4pm


  • Basic Infrastructure and Sterility
  • Isolation of stem cells from the bone marrow, umbilical cord blood & adipose tissue
  • Culture Media Preparation
  • Counting and testing vitality
  • Culturing the isolated stem cells
  • Characterization of stem cells   
  • Separation of exosomes from conditioned media

Registration Fee: EGP 4000

** kindly fill the form and we will contact you regarding the payment method of registration fee 

For more Information:

Mrs. Esraa A. Ghafar Cell: +20 10 01488509    email:

Mrs. Hager El- Asser Cell: +20 11 11419615    email: