Multi-Parametric Prostate MRI

Course Director:

Prof. Haytham Shebel, MD, EDiUR

Armed Forces College of Medicine & Urology Center, Mansoura University

Date:  18 Nov. 9 am – 3 pm.

Venue: Armed Forces College of Medicine Hospital


  • MRI of Prostate: technique, anatomy, clinical concepts case based
  • Concepts of PI-radV2.1 [peripheral zone] and strategy of reading
  • Interactive case reading, Peripheral zone [Dicom Based]
  • Interactive case reading, [Dicom Based] Transitional zone


Our aim is to develop the prostate mp-MRI interpretation competence by utilizing an interactive discussion environment and providing feedback for each case, hence increasing the learning curve through many Dicom cases.

Registration Fee:

 EGP 500 “for Intern”

EGP 1000 “for Postgraduate”

**kindly fill the form and we will contact you regarding the payment method of registration fee

For more Information:

Mrs. Esraa A. Ghafar Cell: +20 10 01488509    email:

Mrs. Hager El- Asser Cell: +20 11 11419615    email: